Liz Kenrick interviews Walt Disney for the premiere of his new film based on an Irish fairy tale (Darby O'Gill and the Little People (1959)). Walt talks about animation vs. life-action, TV as competitor and educational content.
Since the
original video does not contain the interview questions I decided to add them as captions and to repost the video.
The interview details are taken from
Liz Kenrick: Did you give up making cartoons?]
Walt Disney: No. Doing as much animated cartoon as I have ever done - I diversified – I developed a lot of talent over the years and I couldn't use all this talent for the cartoons so I went into the nature films - just for the fun of it we went in doing films with humans - breaks the monotony of things - but I am still doing [cartoons].
LK: Do you think TV is a great competition to your sort of entertainment?)
WD: T.V. can be competition. It is a medium that can keep people in their homes, but if you have the right kind of films the people go out.
LK: Do you try and educate through your films?)
LK: Not even on nature films?)
WD:No. We just base our stories on nature and out of it does come something of educational value. I am not labelling anything as educational. It is all entertainment. People can be educated and still be entertained.