Document details

William “Sully” Sullivan
Jim Korkis
Mention the name of Disney Legend Bill “Sully” Sullivan to cast members of a certain era who worked at California’s Disneyland or Florida’s Magic Kingdom and their faces will broaden with a huge smile. Sully is a colorful character and people have a great many stories about his nearly forty years with the Disney company. [...] He retired in 1993 after close to forty years with the Disney organization. He was made a Disney Legend in 2005, and in October 2007 he and Bob Matheison were made NFFC (now Disneyana Fan Club) legends at the Florida convention. It was there that Jim Korkis got a chance to talk briefly with Sully. Sully has talked candidly and extensively with just about any Disneyland or Walt Disney World historian who has tracked him down. Jim got a chance to talk briefly with him at the NFFC convention and thought that readers might like a glimpse of some of his memories. This wasn’t a formal interview, but just an informal conversation with others listening and laughing to Sully’s answers as he enjoyed talking about his career over lunch. [...]


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Source type Book Series
Volume 16 Chapter: 16
Subject date 2007
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 8
Pages pp. 191-198


Id 1558
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2015-07-08