The Bulletin was a weekly newsletter once put out by the Disney studio. The articles that follow appeared in the November 1940 issue, and each was to provide a different perspective on the production of Fantasia, which released that same month at a Broadway theatre in New York City.
- “Abstraction” Not Key to “Toccata Fugue” (Miles Pike)
- [Sequence] RX-1 Has Long History; Rich in Anecdotes (James Algar)
- “Rite of Spring”: A Jaunt 6,000,000 Years Back (John Hubley)
- “Rite of Spring”: A Jaunt 6,000,000 Years Back (Dick Kelsey)
- “Dance of the Hours” Is Art That Conceals Art, Layout Head Explains (Ken O’Connor)
- Try Beef-Trusters for “Dance of the Hours” (Larry Lansburgh)
- “Ave Maria” (Ed Gershman)
- Fantasia Cutting Most Complex Job; Footage Exceeds 5,000,000 Feet (Bob Cook)
- Women Contribute to Fantasia; Help In Layout, B.G., Animation (Roberta Lanouette)