Document details

Jules Engel
Milton Zolotow, Lawrence Weschler
After having read both the interview with Jules Engel in volume 11 of Walt’s People and the one presented below, Charles Solomon offered to write the following introduction: Jules Engel (1909–2003) was deeply loved by many of his students at CalArts. He was a somewhat more controversial figure among animation professionals. Bill Scott, a gentle man who’d known Engel at the First Motion Picture Unit and at UPA, said he’d fallen prey to a selective memory; others were considerably less charitable. I knew Engel, and I would say our relationship was generally cordial, although neither of us was the other’s favorite person. I wrote his obituary for the Los Angeles Times. Sadly, there is no evidence to support many of his claims, including ones in Zolotow’s and Weschler’s interview, and quite a lot of evidence to the contrary. […]


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Source type Book Series
Volume 13 Chapter: 11
Subject date 1976, 1977, 1975-12-29
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 28
Pages pp. 163-190


Id 542
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2014-11-25