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Piercing the Perce Pearce Mystery
Didier Ghez, George Grant
“Next to Walt, Perce Pearce was the best storyteller and actor; he knew how to characterize the specific traits of an individual. He loved to get up and perform for us and even became identified with many of the cartoon cast on each picture,” explained Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston in their book about the creation of Bambi. And yet, until recently, very little information could be found about Pearce and his career. It was high time to fill the gap and to better understand who was the man who exerted such influence on the creation of the Dwarfs in Snow White, on Bambi, and on the “Sorcerer’s Apprentice,” and who would later become Disney’s first live-action producer. […]


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Source type Book Series
Volume 12 Chapter: 6
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 12
Pages pp. 61-72


Id 465
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2014-11-25