Michael Mallory: You were described as someone who worked here for 45 years, which is a good trick since the park has been here only 35 years. How did you start with Disney?
Milt Albright: My thing with the Disney people actually started in my mind in December of 1937, so that’s more than 45 years ago. There was a bad time in this country, the Depression, and so I had left Missouri between my sophomore and junior year to come out here for the summer, and it was so different and such a challenge out here I just didn’t go back. But I picked this Time magazine up, which at the time cost 15 cents, which was a lot of money then. In the magazine there was a lot more written about Walt (this is the Disney cover issue) and how he was from seventy miles from where we both grew up. I thought to myself, “Here’s a guy that’s got an Academy Award, and shoot, if another guy from Missouri can do it, I need to get with this outfit!” […]