Document details

Walt Disney
Bob Thomas
This interview was conducted by Bob Thomas while working on his biography of Harry Cohn, King Cohn (G.P. Putmam’s Sons, 1967). It was unearthed by Todd James Pierce. When I first made Mickey Mouse, I showed it to all the major studios, trying to get one of them to release it. Nobody was interested. I showed it to a man at Columbia—not Harry Cohn—and he said he liked it but wasn’t going to buy it. “This is what I’m looking for—an identifiable product,” he said, and held up a package of Life Savers. “But if you will only release my cartoons, they will become an identifiable product,” I said. “Not interested,” he told me. [...]


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Source type Book Series
Volume 10 Chapter: 4
Subject date 1965
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 2
Pages pp. 24-25


Id 634
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2014-11-25