Document details

Robert Stevenson
Bob Thomas
Robert Stevenson: Walt had seen a show I did at Revue. I was asked to see Bill Anderson. I was reluctant, but the boss of Revue said that I had better go. Bill Anderson told me, “Why don’t you work here for a week? See if you like it and if we like you.” I met Walt right from the start and always found him to be accessible. He never interfered with the director on the set. He always stood in the background. His view was there is nothing an outsider could do while the picture was filmed. He was close to writing and editing but not to shooting. [...]


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Source type Book Series
Volume 10 Chapter: 28
Subject date 1973
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 4
Pages pp. 156-159


Id 658
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2014-11-25