Document details

Ward Kimball
Rick Shale
In a way, one could write an entire history of the Disney Studio just based on interviews with Ward Kimball. It would be a very one-sided view of history, of course, but would cover every major subject of interest. Rick Shale was researching his seminal book about Disney during WWII, Donald Duck Joins Up (UMI Research Press, 1982) when he met Kimball. Shale talked with Ward Kimball at his home in San Gabriel. After an initial conversation, which explained his project and how he came to choose this particular topic, Shale asked Kimball about Victory Through Air Power. […]


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Source type Book Series
Volume 5 Chapter: 3
Subject date 1976
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 35
Pages pp. 28-62


Id 394
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2014-11-24