Document details

Ward Kimball
Jim Korkis
Ward Kimball visited Walt Disney World property in April 1996 with Michael Broggie (author of the book Walt Disney’s Railroad Story)[…]. That night, Jim had the opportunity to sit down with Ward at the Seasons restaurant at the Disney Institute in Florida and ask him to share a few stories that he had never revealed, despite many interviews. Despite the years, Ward still resembled a prankish pixie and retained his mischievous attitude with no hesitation to speak his mind. Only the lateness of the hour prevented him from sharing even more stories over drinks and dessert.


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Source type Book Series
Volume 2 Chapter: 4
Subject date 1996
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 31
Pages pp. 74-104


Id 270
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2014-11-18