Document details

Alan Menken Interview

This week, I am honored to welcome in a very special guest. In addition to being a Disney Legend, he is the recipient of multiple Academy Awards, Golden Globes and Grammys for his work on Disney animated classics such as The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Pocahontas, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Enchanted and, of course, Beauty and the Beast. Legendary composer Alan Menken joins me to talk about his early career and helping to usher in the renaissance of Disney animation, as well as his work on Disney’s 50th full-length animated feature, Tangled. It’s a fascinating look into the the life and music of a man who continues to make magic for generations of Disney fans.


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Source type Podcast
Volume 196
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type audio
Duration 00:50:25


Id 84
Availability Free
Inserted 2014-11-01