Document details

New Cartoon Production Problems Added To List By Advent of Color
Walt Disney

The average film fan has but a hazy idea of the great amount of time and painstaking effort that go into the making of a Mickey Mouse or Silly Symphony production. And now that color has been added, another factor of time and effort has to be taken into consideration. Almost the same processes necessary for the production of other motion pictures are employed for our productions, except that artists and an art process replace the actors.

For example, we have our story conferences; scenario writers compose a regulation script, adaptors break it down into sequences, scenes and shots and the scenic backgrounds are studied. Ideas are talked over and roughly outlined. We even have three kind of directors; the director of the picture itself, the musical director and the casting director. All three work closely together during the production of the picture. […]




Source type Magazine
Volume 69.100
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 1
Pages p. 24


Id 1110
Availability Free
Inserted 2015-02-26