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Brian Collins (Former Imagineer)
Part 1

Today, we return to our usual format with part 1 of our interview with former Disney Imagineer Brian Collins. Brian started at the Contemporary Resort at WDW working the Front Desk, but moved through several different roles until ultimately he became part of Walt Disney Imagineering. […]

[…]Brian talks about…

  • How he got started working for Disney and what he did first
  • How he worked himself from there to Imagineering
  • Some cool things he did working for Disney before he got to WDI
  • How he started to network his way around the company while he was working the front desk at the Contemporary Resort
  • The first time he remembers thinking, “I’m doing something really special.”
  • How he actually became an Imagineer—it’s not unlike Wesley becoming the Dread Pirate Roberts
  • What Imagineering’s headquarters are like and some of his favorite memories from being there
  • How he applied what he learned in school to being an Imagineer, including some unexpected ways



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Source type Podcast
Volume 129
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type audio
Duration 00:47:47


Id 3380
Availability Free
Inserted 2017-08-28