In this episode we have a returning guest on the show, Disney historian and author Jim Korkis is back for a 2-part interview. I introduce him much more in the interview intro, so let me give you a preview of what we’re going to cover and then we’ll dive on in!
- Some of the practical jokes Disney animators used to play on each other
- Why December was generally such a good month for the Disney family
- Why Walt’s brother Roy is such an underrated member of the family
- What it was like for Walt as a kid having his birthday so close to
Christmas, and more about his early Christmases [this part has a little
bit about Santa that you may want to skip if you have little ears
listening, about 13 minutes in to the interview section for 6 minutes]
- One of the most difficult things for Tom Hanks when it came to portraying Walt Disney in Saving Mr. Banks
- Why Walt’s intended Christmas scene for Bambi didn’t make it into the film
- Disney Christmas comic strips
- The gift Walt got as an early teenager that transformed his entire life
- An animated Christmas cartoon where Walt voiced a character
- Some favorite Christmas gifts Jim and I got over the years