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Who framed Roger Rabbit
Was it director Robert Zemeckis? Private eye Bob Koskins? Or someone else?
David McDonnell
The rabbit is nowhere to be seen. Although it's his name that's in the title, this star has made himself scarce. Perhaps he's hiding in his trailer or studying his lines in a nearby nook or convenient cranny. Only the human actors are on hand: Bob (Mona Lisa) Hoskins in rumpled '40s suit and offbeat tie and Joanna (Blade Runner) Cassidy sporting black hat and vivid crimson gloves. They stand, in the December cold, wearing bulky '80s coats over their costumes, waiting for the next shot. Clustered about the camera are three of the film's key creative personnel: director Robert (Back to the Future) Zemeckis (STARLOG #85, 99), cinematographer Dean (Romancing the Stone) Cundey (STARLOG #103) and producer Robert (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom) Watts (STARLOG #94). This may be Oakland, but as far as the movie's concerned, it's a seedy street in Los Angeles in the mid-40s. Hoskins is a down-on-his-luck detective named Eddie Valiant. Cassidy is his girl friend/ex-secretary, Delores. Together, they're trying to solve the mystery which gives the movie its name, Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Based on Gary Wolf's 1981 novel Who Censored Roger Rabbit?, this film marks the first collaboration between the Walt Disney Studios and Amblin Entertainment. Amblin's Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall serve as executive producers. Prior to Amblin's involvement, Disney had flirted with the idea of filming Roger Rabbit back in 1982. "That was under the old Disney regime [headed by Ron Miller]," notes Zemeckis, who was fascinated by the property even then. "When I read Roger Rabbit, 1 knew it had great potential. I couldn't get it out of my mind. But in those days, the Disney Studios weren't in gear. The project just hung on and on. I went off to do Romancing the Stone. […]



Source type Magazine
Volume 132
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 7
Pages pp. 48-53,96


Id 1947
Availability Free
Inserted 2015-12-05