In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the landmark animated Pixar classic Toy Story, join Producer Bonnie Arnold in a first-of-its-kind panel including some of today’s top animation talent as they share their untold stories into the making of this landmark film.
An epic line-up of a dozen key women across all levels of production, in the earliest days of Pixar Animation Studios, spotlights the talents and contributions they made on this digitally animated 'first.' Moderated by author/historian Mindy Johnson, explore the other-half of Toy Story with these trailblazing women who navigated production through the uncharted digital territory to redefine the course of global animation forever.
Speakers include Allison Smith Murphy, Bonnie Arnold, Deirdre Warin, Galyn Susman, Jill Culton, Julie McDonald, Karen Robert Jackson, Katherine Sarafian, Sharon Calahan, Terry McQueen, Tia Kratter, Triva Von Klark.
This panel was originally presented as part of the 2020 edition of the SPARK ANIMATION Festival.