Document details

The film star schooner
Peter M. Wood

Probably the most frequently-photographed sailing vessel in the world, " Pequod" is being prepared for a series of TV films. Peter M. Wood, who is technical advisor for the films, tells the story

YET ANOTHER FILM role is to be carried out by Pequod, the three-masted schooner which has had several changes of names in her career. She was towed from Cardiff to Falmouth on 31 October, 1955, to be fitted out for her new role.

Originally the Lancaster three-masted topsail schooner, Ryelands, 102,2 ft, x 229 ft, x 10,8 ft., she was built at Glasson Dock in 1887, and, after some foreign passages in her youth, she settled down in the coasting trade until 1931, when a motor was installed and her topsail yards were removed.



Source type Magazine
Volume 9.97
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 1
Pages p. 62


Id 7294
Availability Free
Inserted 2024-09-09