Document details

A Mouse in a Million!
Read all about Mickey and the man who made him famous, Walt Disney, in this special story
James M. Fidler
Hundreds of letters weekly bring a single startling message to the Walt Disney Studios in Hollywood. It is: Thousands of children throughout the world have become so fond of mice, thanks to Mickey Mouse, that they nightly steal into their mothers' pantries, or their fathers cellars, and spring the traps that have been set to catch the most infamous of household pests! "We love Mickey Mouse," is the universal declaration of youngsters, "and we know Mickey won't like us if we let his little playmates be caught and killed!" But while the mouse situation in private homes grows acutely worse, the mouse situation on the screen grows constantly better. Mickey has captured the niche in the hearts of children that was once occupied by Bill Hart and Mary Pickford. Do not get the mistaken idea that the tremendous fan mail that reaches Walt Disney, creator and producer of the Mickey Mouse cartoon comedies, is entirely from children. At least fifty per cent of the letters come from adults. […]




Source type Magazine
Volume 30.4
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 3
Pages pp. 51,76-77


Id 2070
Availability Free
Inserted 2016-01-06