Document details

mr. and mrs. Darling
Fredda Dudley

Meet te hatchet man and the gum-drop girl, who stepped out to become Hollywood's cutest couple -- those dancing Champions, Marge and Gower

Great love stories are supposed to begin with the measure of a waltz, or a fire crackling in a mountain cabin while outside it snows. That's the way the books tell it.

Practically nowhere can you find romance invested in three stacks of gum drops and a well-seasoned primitive axe. Yet, consider the case of a boy named Gower Champion and a _ girl named, at the time under discussion, Marjorie Belcher.




Source type Magazine
Volume 41.3
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 5
Pages pp. 46-47,97-99


Id 7260
Availability Free
Inserted 2024-02-16