Document details

Hastening Home
Walt Disney

To most of us animated cartoons are synonymous with the name Disney. To Walter Disney, creator of our favorite cartoon characters, home means the family group he tells us about in these paragraphs

DO YOU EVER REFLECT, as you watch and ride with the thousands of cars moving along the jammed boulevards at the end of the city's workday, that these are people going home? Hastening home. Crowding one another impatiently to get to the house, the apartment, or the shack, as it may be, which awaits each member of the family for the reunion after work, after school, after the shopping and the visiting and all the outgoings and wanderings.

That, I think, is the most eloquent tribute to the home ever written or sung: that homesickness which seizes almost every man, woman and child even after a few hours away from the place where the bond, security, and happiness of the family have converted some dwelling — be it ever so humble or grand — into a refuge and a sanctum.





Source type Magazine
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 1
Pages p. 3


Id 7313
Availability Free
Inserted 2024-09-11