Document details

Former Imagineer Tim Delaney and Disney California Adventure

This week, we celebrate two decades of fun in the sun as we look back at the design and development of Disney California Adventure in the week of its 20th anniversary with former Imagineer Tim Delaney, who was creative director and show producer for Paradise Pier and the main entrance of the park. Tim shares many stories from his career with WED Enterprises and Imagineering, including his time working on EPCOT Center, working for the company when Michael Eisner became CEO of the Walt Disney Company, and his work on Disney's California Adventure Park. We look at an overview of the park and discuss the budgeting challenges Imagineering faced, the theming of the park, the design of the entrance plaza and California Screamin', and the changes that have happened at the Disneyland Resort over the years.


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Source type Podcast
Volume 642
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type audio
Duration 01:15:14


Id 5818
Availability Free
Inserted 2021-02-08