Document details

Star Wars Land; Peter Renaday
Mousetalgia jumps to the Outer Rim this week to talk about Star Wars Land, and we offer our take on the recent news about the planned 14-acre galactic space port. We discuss how guests will enter the land, and wonder "What about Star Tours?" We compare the "orange crates" from 2013's D23 Expo (which suggested upcoming Tattooine-based attractions) vs. the current plans for an unknown planet. Kristen still wants Star Wars out of Disneyland altogether, and we ponder whether Marvel is destined for Disney's third gate in Anaheim. Then, Mousetalgia welcomes Disney voice actor Pete Renaday back to the show to talk about his roles and career with the studio. Pete talks about his start with the Disney company, and how he went from being a messenger at the studio to voicing Henry, the star of the Country Bear Jamboree. Pete talks about the studio in 1959; an uncomfortable close encounter with Walt; working on screen tests and films; and finally moving into voice acting. Bonus: Pete's tips on voicing Mickey Mouse! Plus - The "American Experience: Walt Disney" documentary is previewed at the Walt Disney Family Museum, and we discuss where Disneyland might relocate their goat population once Big Thunder Ranch is shuttered.


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Source type Podcast
Volume 360
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type audio
Duration 01:06:40


Id 1708
Availability Free
Inserted 2015-09-14