Document details

Maleficent '14/'59, Canemaker on Schultheis
Mousetalgia welcomes Academy Award winning author/historian/filmmaker John Canemaker back to the show to discuss his new book, "The Lost Notebook: Herman Schultheis & the Secrets of Walt Disney’s Movie Magic." Schultheis, who worked for the Disney Studio in the late '30s, hid notebooks detailing the methods that Disney's process lab used for some of their most incredible special effects in Disney's early animated features, and Canemaker explains the man behind the notebook, as well as the mysteries the notebook unlocks. But first, Kristen reviews "Maleficent," and offers her critical opinion of the film's merits and controversies. Jeff also looks back at the development of the Maleficent character for Sleeping Beauty in 1959, and discusses some lesser-known personalities that played a key role in the character design. Plus - announcing a Haunted Mansion event with Bob Gurr, hip new records, and talking about running in a galaxy far, far away.


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Source type Podcast
Volume 293
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type audio
Duration 01:10:35


Id 237
Availability Free
Inserted 2014-11-14