Walt Disney told the trade press yesterday that he looks upon his "Fantasia" as a "noble experiment" which can mean either very much or very little to the film industry. The film will have its premiere tonight at the Broadway Theatre and tomorrow will start on its two-a-day engagement. Last night a press preview was held.
"I'll be happy if I get my money back on it," the producer said.
The production cost was $2,200,000, as compared with $1,600,000 for "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," and cannot be presented on any ordinary theatre sound reproducing equipment. The picture is recorded on RCA equipment. Because of necessity of special and costly equipment for exhibition of the film, Disney finds himself compelled personally to lease theatres for its exhibition, and to purchase the special sound reproducing equipment which is required.
Disney believes the picture will test his contention that the "industry is in too big a hurry to get its money back on its pictures." He thinks many pictures suffer lost patronage because they are off the screens before they have realized their full drawing possibilities. The long runs planned for "Fantasia" will test this theory, Disney believes.