Document details

Walt Disney Model Railroader
From his home to his theme parks, Walt Disney made sure they all had trains
Michael Broggie

Walt Disney is synonymous with Wl animation, visionary filmmaking and theme parks. But the creator of Mickey Mouse was also an avid model railroader with a terrific live steam railroad in the backyard of his Los Angeles home.

Wall's interest in trains symbolized the quiet lifestyle he and wife Lillian sought to lead. The Disneys had no desire to fit in with the Hollywood or country club crowds. Instead, Walt was satisfied coming home after a day at the studio and operating his live steam railroad with friends and family. And for the past half century, Walt's interest in railroading has been kept alive through animation, exhibits, and theme parks.




Source type Magazine
Volume 70.1
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 4
Pages pp. 82-85


Id 7289
Availability Free
Inserted 2024-08-07