Document details

Walt Disney's technological world
[The author] examines the social impact of the technology developed by the Walt Disney empire, and speculates about its implications for the future
John Spolowich
Is there a person alive in America today who does not know who Walt Disney was, who hasn't seen a Mickey Mouse cartoon, or who doesn't own a Disney product! Millions of people have visited the Disney parks, and millions will likely visit EPCOT, Disney's vision of the future, when it opens in 1979. However, just because Disney is so well known, does that mean he can be accepted at face value, or are there deeper meanings behind the image of Walt Disney? This article explores the Disney organization and offers some insights into what just might become a way of life for America and the world. […]



WPI Journal (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Source type Magazine
Volume 81.6
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 12
Pages pp. 8-19


Id 2133
Availability Free
Inserted 2016-01-15