Cutlasses to all hands and pre-pare to take the town! In the costliest and most technologically sophisticated amusement park ride ever built, California's Disneyland has evoked the blood-curdling buccaneering past of the Spanish Main. Called The Pirates of the Caribbean, it is a 15-minute boat ride through the sacking of a town, marked by as harrowing a series of misadventures as the likes of Captain Kidd and Jean Lafitte ever visited upon their hapless victims. The Disneyland cutthroats are a brawling band of computerized robots that look and move about like real people but lack even the spark of human decency that pirates are supposed to have had. Though the ride cost $8 million, the prospect for profit exceeds anything Blackheart ever dreamed of in his yo-ho-ho days: nearly a million visitors a month are paying 75¢ apiece for the fun of being scared out of their wits.