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Bob Gurr – Interview with a Disney Legend and Imagineer

In this episode I interview Disney Legend and Imagineer Bob Gurr about his incredible career working for Walt Disney. We discuss Bob’s early life as a young boy through his time at WED Enterprises working directly for Walt Disney on the construction of Disneyland. Bob is often quoted as saying…”If it moves on wheels at Disneyland, I probably designed it.”

That quote is quite accurate considering Bob’s impressive resume as designer of such iconic attraction ride vehicles as: the Monorail, Matterhorn Bobsleds, Disneyland Fire Engine, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride cars, and the OmniMover ride vehicle system, which appears most notoriously in the ‘Doom Buggies’ Haunted Mansion ride vehicles.

Bob is not only a Disney Legend, his career is legendary but it did not end when Bob officially left Disney in 1981. In fact, Bob not only continued to work as Designer for many years after leaving Disney, he is still working today!


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Source type Podcast
Volume 12
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type audio
Duration 01:15:33


Id 5167
Availability Free
Inserted 2020-05-27