Document details

The Music Of Treasure Island
John Huntley

The music for TREASURE ISLAND, produced by Walt Disney at Denham Studios, England, may be divided inte two sections, First came the question of sea shanties, to be sung in the film, Under the general supervision of Muir Mathieson, (music director to the Srodasiton) Mrs, Buck, his personal assistant, conducted a research during which over three hundred sea shanties and old maritime songs were examined before a final selection was submitted to the production chief, Perce Pearce. It was essen=ųtial that the songs chosen should not only be correct for the period (1765) but also that they should be suitable in 1ilt and tempo to the scenes involved, Walt Disney himself heard a number of test recordings before the final selection was made,

The first of the shanties, "Johnny, Come Down to Hilo" will be heard sung to the accompaniment of a guitar, while "Tom"s Gone Down to Hilo" has been recorded by a solo voice, accompanied by a group of pirates humming , and a guitar, The third sea song to be heard in TREASURE ISLAND is not a traditional number as such, but was specially set by Marcus Dods, of Cambridge University; it is the old number "Yo-Ho-Ho, and a Bottle of Rum."



Source type Magazine
Volume 10.1
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 2
Pages pp. 16-17


Id 3215
Availability Free
Inserted 2017-04-27