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Mickey's Astuter Computer
When Epcot Computer Central opens at Disney World in October, the showcase computers will be Univac's.
Edith Myers

Back in 1956 when a Univac computer was used by CBS to predict the outcome of the presidential election, the name Univac began to be synonymous with computer.

But the years went by, and computers ceased to be called Univacs and, more often then not, were thought of as IBMs. Possibly after Oct, 1, with the opening of Epcot (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) Center in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., the trend may be reversed.

Epcot Center is described by its designers at WED Enterprises, a subsidiary of Walt Disney Productions, as ‘‘the continuing realization of Walt Disneys great dream for a community of creative concepts for the future, where the best ideas of industry, government, and academia can, be showcased together."

It will have its computer center, Epcot Computer Central. Its computers are from Sperry Univac. And they! be on public view after Oct, 1. Theres more. WED Univac in a sense inherited its Disney connection from RCA, designers have great respect for computers, but as something to look at, ‘‘theyre dull," said Pat Scanlon, director of research and future planning at WED Enterprises. "‘We've made them entertaining.



Source type Magazine
Volume 28.4
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 1
Pages p. 98


Id 6178
Availability Free
Inserted 2021-07-16