Document details

Mickey Gets Wings
Roger Yee

Why guests have trouble keeping their feet on the ground once they enter the World of Disney at the Disney Village Marketplace, Lake Buena Vista, Fla., designed by Elkus/Manfredi Architects

Even in his darkest days struggling to make animated cartoons in the little garage behind his Uncle Robert's house at 4406 Kingswell Avenue, Los Angeles in 1923. Walter Elias Disney (1901-1966) never relinquished his dream of inventing new and better forms of entertainment. By giving Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other soon-to-be-famous "toon" characters believ- able personalities and satisfying stories to tell, Disney and his brother Roy transcended the industry's mindless slapstick routines featuring one forgettable character after another and eventually raised animation to new levels of artistic and technological achievement. Not surprisingly, the heirs to "Uncle Walt's" legacy continue to redefine entertainment as the 20th century draws to a close by transforming such venues as profes- sional sports, legitimate theater, network and cable television and now retailing-with the newly completed. 50.000-sq. ft. World of Disney at the Disney Village Marketplace, Lake Buena Vista. Fla., designed by Elkus/Manfredi Architects in collaboration with Walt Disney Imagineering.




Source type Magazine
Volume 39.2
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 6
Pages pp. 28-33


Id 7322
Availability Free
Inserted 2024-09-14