Document details

Wildebeests On The Run
Disney Engineers A Stampede For The Lion King
Gary Pfitzer

No doubt about it: When it comes to animation, even classic Disney make things, well, more "animated." We've seen the proof in a 3D digital ballroom that let Belle and her unlikely suitor in Beauty and the Beast waltz and whirl to their hearts' content. We've also seen how a digital cave environment treated the hero of Aladdin to the kind of rip-roaring action that would have left Cinderella or Snow White in a dead faint. The only question now is, what's the next move, Disney?

How about a stampede of 800 wildebeests, charging and rampaging as if possessed across 2½ minutes of animation footage? Wildebeests, you ask? Like, from Africa?




Source type Magazine
Volume 17.7
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 4
Pages pp. 0,52-54


Id 7291
Availability Free
Inserted 2024-09-08