Marty`s Saloon, on Main Street in Sheffield, is the talk of this tiny northern Iowa town. But not for the usual decadent reasons. It is the object of local joshing and rib-poking because Marty`s is so gosh-darn, incredibly tidy.
In fact, Marty`s Saloon just may be the cleanest watering hole in the history of public consumption.
''They say that if you go to the john in Marty`s, he runs over and straightens your chair while you`re gone,'' said the irrepressible Rev. Dick Streeter.
''A guy came in to Marty`s the other day and said, `This is a stickup,`
and Marty said, `Put it right over there against the wall next to the other air fresheners,` '' said the Methodist preacher.
The Walt Disney Co. has discovered a town beyond its wildest dreams. A town too perfect for its illusionmakers to have created. A town that makes Disneyland`s Main Street, USA, seem like Tobacco Road.
Sheffield, Ia., pop. 1,224, is not only too good to be true. It could be too good to be Disney.