Document details

Happy Birthday Walt & Mickey

On these pages, the doodled twentieth anniversary greetings NCS members inflicted on a placemat at their dinner for Walt Disney.

"That was a good thing," Caniff commented; "as past presidents, we had no axes to grind, no desire for advancement within the organization, no groups to please, and so on. We could be as impartial as it was possible to be."

Raymond led NCS to a greater awareness of itself as an organization, and he thereby gave the Society a sharper sense of purpose. And his leadership came at just the right moment: by the time he became President, the Society had grown enough to need precisely the kind of self-consciousness he nurtured in it. NCS had outgrown its purely social function and was coming into maturity as an organization. That it was still in existence at all, though, was due in large measure to Milton Caniff.




Source type Magazine
Volume 110
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 2
Pages pp. 70-71


Id 5814
Availability Lendable
Inserted 2021-02-03