"house of tomorrow"
...currently being designed and soon to be built by Monsanto to demonstrate architectural potentialities of plastics
...the result of extensive studies of the use of plastics in housing
...made possible by a grant-in-aid to the Department of Architecture Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
by the
Plastics Division
Monsanto Chemical Company
Springfield, Massachusetts
Plastics materials are making possible many wonderful new creative developments in design, construction and production in almost every aspect of the building industry.
Inherent properties of plastics differ widely from those of traditional materials. Because this is true, plastics offer designers and architects a wider range of design possibilities. To take maximum advantage of these new materials, plastics must be considered in an entirely new light.
...in terms of the buildings in which they will be used
...in terms of the desires and needs of the people they will serve.
As a major part of its broad program to develop sound uses of plastics in home building, Monsanto is presently planning, shaping, reshaping, and soon will build the first demonstration test-type house of its kind...
Bold in concept, “The House of Tomorrow” will achieve basic architectural and engineering purposes in a way possible only with plastics ... cleverly combining the new and traditional to increase the usefulness and beauty of each.