Document details

Midnight Magic
Wanda Jankowski

The whimsical, offbeat daytime image of the Team Disney Building in Orlando, FL, is extended at night with intriguing illumination by Fisher/Marantz

What better way to celebrate the spirit of Disney at night than to devise illumination that not only extends the whimsical feel of the Team Disney Building's architecture, but promotes the Mickey myth as well. The first indication one is in Disney territory comes upon entering the driveway. The visitor drives by "Mickey Gates" which are lit with concealed, curved fluorescent tubes—about a dozen in each gate—that are installed beneath a white, opaque flange. The three-inch wide glowing white strip reflects the fact that in some cartoons, Mickey Mouse"s ears are created with white centers ters, according to Tim Johnson, senior project manager for Disney Development Company

The "car" theme of the gates is repeated in the canopy of the front entrance. The glass within the ear-shaped canopy is also opaque—painted a bright appliance white—and the fluorescent source is recessed at the bottom of the copy to cast light up




Source type Magazine
Volume 5.10
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 4
Pages pp. 0,16-18


Id 7324
Availability Free
Inserted 2024-09-14