Document details

Big Plans
Grand Finale

The late Walt Disney made an immensely successful career of topping himself. Last month his final production was announced, posthumously, and it was a whopper: a $600-million Disney World on 27400 acres near Orlando, Florida, containing a real live city of the future for full-scale people.

The city is called EPCOT—Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow—and will have a population of 20,000. It will share the World, whose acreage is twice the size of Manhattan, with an amusement park five times as big as California's Disneyland, a jetport, and a 1,000-acre industrial park.




Source type Magazine
Volume 126.2
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 1
Pages p. 87


Id 7314
Availability Free
Inserted 2024-09-11