Document details

A final look at Brussels
As the Brussels Fair approaches its closing on October 19, here is a review of what has made the U.S. Pavilion so successful.

Some 100 years after Sir Joseph Paxton completed his revolutionary Crystal Palace in London, an American architect, Edward D. Stone, designed another exhibition structure that will have a place in the history books: the "plastic palace" which, as everyone knows, is the U.S. Pavilion at this year"s World's Fair in Brussels.

Millions of words have been written about this Pavilion and the controversial exhibit (designed by others) which it houses. Yet the picture has been, at best, a pretty blur. This story is written for some of those 173,5 million Americans who will not get a chance to see our Pavilion for themselves. And it is written, also, for the record. For Ed Stone's plastic palace is surely one of the finest buildings of recent date to represent the government and the people of the U.S, abroad.




Source type Magazine
Volume 109.4
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 6
Pages pp. 104-109


Id 7308
Availability Free
Inserted 2024-09-11