The latest adventure from the creative minds at Pixar Animation Studios is Onward, the tale of two teenage elf brothers, Ian and Barley, who embark on an adventure in an attempt to reconnect with their late father. The brothers’ suburban world is a fantastic one, populated by sprites, satyrs, cyclopes, centaurs, gnomes and trolls, but the magic of the realm has slowly faded away over many years. On his 16th birthday, Ian’s mother gives him a gift his father intended him to have: a letter detailing a spell that will enable his sons to see him one last time after they’ve grown up, along with a magical staff and gem. The brothers perform the magic, but the spell goes awry, enabling them to conjure only their father’s legs and feet. In the process, the gem is destroyed. Now the brothers have just 24 hours to find another magical gem and conjure the rest of their father.
Helping Scanlon bring Onward to the screen were Sharon Calahan, ASC, director of photography: lighting, and Adam Habib, director of photography: camera.