Mr. Disney now owns two VICTOR CAMERAS, the first of which he has used for four years. With him, when he sailed recently on the new French Liner, Normandie, for Europe, was his New Victor Model Four. […]
[Image of Letter from Walt Disney to Victor Animatograp Corp.]
May 31, 1935
Victor Animatogsraph Corp.,
I have used your Victor motion picture camera
consistently since the year of 1932, and have found
it to be more than satisfactory in every respect.
I have made many reels in my home and on trips which
have great sentimentel value to me.
I take great pleasure of advising you of the above.
Sincerely yours,
Walt Disney
[Image]Right: Mr. Disney's 4-year old VICTOR being used to record the actions of live penguins prior to the muking of the Silly Symphony, “Peculiar Penguins’’[/Image]