Document details

What Bowling Means To Me
By "Walt" Disney
Charles Hemphill

Walt Disney, an ardent advocate of lawn bowling, was born in Chicago. When he was five years of age his parents moved to a farm outside of Kansas City.

When Walt was Fifteen the family moved back to Chicago and he entered High School and study of art. He was in the Red Cross Ambulance Corps during World War I. Upon his return he went to Kansas City and engaged in cartoon moving picture advertising. In 1923 he moved to California with the hope of getting a job with one of the Moving Picture Studios but none was available. It was then he decided to go into business on his own.

The whole world is fully aware of the wisdom contained in this decision, for it has brought him well earned material enrichment and the people, both young and old, have been richly and whole-somely entertained all over the world by his artistry. A kind of entertainment which delighted the young and made the oldsters wish they could be kids again and at times it almost did so for in viewing his fantasies, and pranks of his lovable characters they were taken back through memory to the happy days of childhood experiences.


Walt began lawn bowling about Eleven years ago. He has a vacation home at Smoke Tree Ranch in Palm Springs. The Smoke Tree Ranch Colony built a three rink green about 1954. Later the green was built to regulation size and many tournaments are played there each year. The Fourth invitational Tournament was held recently, April 27 to 30th inclusive. This tournament as well as the Orange and Green tournament held on St. Patrick's day, for members and guests, are sponsored by Walt and Lilly Disney. Walt is also a member of Beverly Hills L.B.C.





Source type Magazine
Volume 3.3
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 1
Pages p. 15


Id 5486
Availability Free
Inserted 2020-10-25