Document details

Frank Thomas
Ross Care

Letter to Ross Care
October 9, 1977

Dear Ross—

I sure let you down on this one! And I’m sorry…I don’t know if the major problem was that I just got too busy with other things or that I felt your questions required a special concentration and reply, and since I was never able to reach that point of concentration, I never got around to answering. Oh well, water under the bridge, we can’t do more than apologize at this point and go on from here. As I recall, your article was due the 1st of October, so nothing I say now can help you any. Not that I have anything much to say anyway.

Frank Churchill was tall and thin and had a great talent and I don’t know why he stayed at the studio putting up with the dumb artists who didn’t understand music.



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Source type Book Series
Volume 29 Chapter: 16
Subject date 1985, 1977,
Language en
Document type Interview
Media type text
Page count 23
Pages pp. 263-285


Id 7346
Availability Purchasable
Inserted 2024-10-27