Document details

Your sneak peak of fabulous 152 acres of fun and enchantment
Everybody talks about Disneyland and now MODERN SCREEN has done something about it. We've dug up the answers to your questions about this magical dream world-questions about cost, transportation, hotels, food. You could see Disneyland in a day but you wouldn't want to, so here's how to do Disneyland right. Where is it? Southeast of downtown Los Angeles about twenty-two miles. Disneyland can be reached only by car or bus. You can drive it in half an hour and there is special bus service from downtown Los Angeles to the park. Admission cost is a dollar plus tax for adults, fifty cents including tax for children under twelve. All exhibits are free. Charges for the various rides run from 10¢ to 35¢ for children, slightly more for adults. Food, ranging from the elegant Delmonico-style restaurant to the buffeteria will be popularly priced. Disneyland will be open every day except Monday from ten a.m. to ten pm. You can stay at the Disneyland Hotel, a ten-million-dollar hotel and motel project which has been built just across from Disneyland, where rates are as low as $7 a day. […]



Source type Magazine
Volume 49.9
Language en
Document type Feature
Media type text
Page count 3
Pages pp. 42-44


Id 1121
Availability Free
Inserted 2015-03-03