In recognition of John Culhane’s passing, filmmaker Mike Bonifer dug through his old home movies and found some delightful 1981 footage of John Culhane, a very young John Lasseter, Disney animation legend Woolie Reitherman, and others from a Disney tour of American colleges:
[Mike Bonifer:]
Scenes from one of the many adventures we shared. This was a 1981 tour I produced, where we took Disney filmmakers to 40 college campuses on the Mickey Mouse One. It was an incredible, memorable time. As you can tell, we had a lot of fun. And it was important to connect the younger Disney artists to an audience we could tell had great reverence for the Disney animated films, and animation generally. These scenes feature John Culhane, [his wife] Hind Rassam Culhane, John Lasseter, Woolie Reitherman, Janie Reitherman, Tom Wilhite, Keith Chaney (Lon “The Wolfman’s” nephew) and L.G. Weaver.
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